Cooperation with manufacturers of medical devices



CTU FBME and AVDZP organized a joint event on 18.4.2024 at the premises of CTU CIIRC in Prague. During the opening of the event, the Dean of the Faculty spoke. Prof. Jozef Rosina, Ph.D., MBA, who emphasized the potential of the faculty for mutually beneficial cooperation with manufacturers not only in the field of outputs, but also in the field of study programs, which are needed in relation to the sustainability of current activities, but also to new activities of manufacturers. This is in particular the faculty's efforts to accredit the bachelor's degree program Biomedical Nanotechnology and the follow-up master's degree program Certification and Metrology of Medical Devices. Both of these activities are being prepared by the faculty in close cooperation with the AVDZP and CMI, which is the second new notified body under the conformity assessment according to MDR 745/2017.

Within the event, or within the FBME block, which was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Jiří Hozman, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Development and External Relations, were presented proposals of the faculty representatives from the field of commercial cooperation with manufacturers of medical devices, which are associated in the AVDZP. Primarily, these contributions were related to the interconnection of biology, medicine and technical disciplines, i.e. biomedical engineering, and especially the possibilities of application on the market of medical devices. With the exception of the last contribution, which focused on examples of the application of the HTA methodology, the following were the outputs of the faculty's scientific research activities that have the potential for commercialization of device prototypes (the individual topics are the result of the work of the relevant scientific teams of the faculty):

  • Brat'ka, P. et al.: Device for preparation of personalized wound covers and verification of safety and efficacy
  • Novák, M. et al.: TONAGENA - Electroporation and FMCW radar
  • Matějka, R. et al.: New materials for tissue engineering and 3D bioprinting - applications for model tissues, in vitro testing and soft tissue healing
  • Klimešová, I. et al.: Obstacle detector for the blind
  • Kubátová, I. et al.: Use of HTA in medical devices - possible applications

Already during the event it became clear that some manufacturers were able to offer cooperation on the above topics, which is very pleasing. Apart from this aspect, it should also be emphasised that PhD students are involved in the above topics, but students of the Bachelor's degree programme in Biomedical Technology and the follow-up Master's degree programme in Biomedical Engineering also. This has shown that these outputs have the potential for commercialisation and more such joint actions are needed. This was also one of the conclusions of the joint event, namely that we would organize a joint event again where faculty representatives would have more time to present similar outputs with commercialization potential.

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