As the Czech Republic is a member of the EU, international students coming from EU countries do not need a visa. However, if you come from a country outside the EU and your stay is planned for more than 90 days, you are required to have a student visa.
Your visa application should be submitted to a Czech embassy at least 60 days prior to the planned date of your departure to the Czech Republic.
Documents required by Czech Embassies/Consulates for VISA Application:
- A valid passport – its validity must exceed your intended stay in the Czech Republic by at least three months.
- A letter of acceptance for studies from the CTU, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering.
- Confirmation of accommodation in the Czech Republic (from your landlord or a CTU dormitory, CTU will offer you accommodation in its dormitories and send you a confirmation of guaranteed accommodation – look at the website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior.
- Confirmation from your bank that you have sufficient financial means on your account to support your stay in the Czech Republic – bring bank statement/credit card.
- Students are required to have a complex health insurance, which covers not only emergency hospital visits, but also other outpatient medical expenses such as vaccinations, routine hospital visits, blood test etc.. Options: Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP; General Health Insurance Company).
- "Žádost” form (Visa Application form), this green form can be obtained at the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy or at the websites of the Ministry of the Interior or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- 1 passport photograph.
List of offices of the Ministry of the Interior (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) in the Czech Republic, including telephone numbers and opening hours.
Contact the Ministry of the Interior offices when you wish to:
- apply for an extension of the permitted period of stay on a long-term visa
- apply for a long-term residence permit or its extension
- apply for a permanent residence permit
- apply for a certificate of temporary residence (EU citizens)
- apply for a temporary residence permit for a family member of an EU citizen or an extension of a residence card
- report a change in your place of residence in the Czech Republic or other changes related to your residence
- apply for a confirmation of residence
More information
- Updated information about Visa for non-EU university students is available here.
- Information about Visa for non-EU students: obligations of students.
- Further useful information can be found here.
- You will find information for the entry and residence of citizens from EU and EFTA countries in the Czech Republic here.
- You will find information for the entry and residence of citizens from non-EU countries in the Czech Republic here.
- The Immigration Portal of the Czech Republic is available here.
Information for citizens of the EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
One of the obligations for citizens of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland is the "reporting requirement" in the event that the length of the intended stay in the Czech Republic is longer than 30 days. In this situation, within 30 days of entering the Czech Republic, an individual is required to report his/her presence to the appropriate Foreign Police Department that holds jurisdiction in the location of his/her stay in the Czech Republic.
Citizens of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland are also bound to report the change of surname, marital status, changes in data contained in the residence card (i.e. certificate of temporary residence or permanent residence permit). In case of a stay without any residence card, these changes are to be reported to the Foreign Police. In case any residence permit/certificate was issued, changes are reported to the MOI. Citizens of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland can temporarily stay in the Czech Republic without any special permit, solely on the basis of a travel document or an identity card.
If they intend to stay in the Czech Republic for longer than 3 months, they can request a certificate of temporary residence or a permanent residence permit to be issued.